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Showing posts from November, 2020

Blog #7

 I will be discussing the Diffusion Theory in talking about analytics in baseball.     The Diffusion Theory goes through five phases. Pioneers/Innovators, Early Adapters, Early Majority, Late Adapters, and Laggards.  In the case of baseball analytics, the big part that is used a lot in baseball today is the shift. For the shift, analysts would be considered the pioneers, due to them being the first to introduce the shift to the world of professional baseball. The Early Adapters would be low A minor league teams. Early Majority would be high A minor league teams. When it comes to Late Adapters, this is the phase that was considered revolutionary in the world of baseball. It's one thing to change rules and thought process in the minor leagues, but to bring it to Major League Baseball, "America's Pastime," was very controversial. The first few teams to use the shift would be considered the Late Adapters. Finally, The Laggards would be the rest of the teams to start using

Blog #6

  Email               For my assignment, I explored the origins of Email. In looking at this, there are two names that you will find. The first is Ray Tomlinson. Tomlinson is known as the "Father of Email." The other is Shiva Ayyadurai. The first we will look into is Ray Tomlinson.                In looking into Ray Tomlinson's time in the world of email, there are two sources his timeline will come from.  “A Brief History of Email: Dedicated to Ray Tomlinson.” Phrasee , 1 Oct. 2020, Jackson, Nicholas. “Infographic: Evolution of Email.” The Atlantic , Atlantic Media Company, 9 May 2011,   The first point on the timeline was in 1965 when Email was first introduced at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). It was seen on a pro