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Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 15/Final Post Prompt

  Top 5 Social Media Tips for Start-ups | Features | Social Media Management | MN2S        After reading the article, I'm 14, and I Quit Social Media , there are a couple things that come to mind. The first being that I completely understand what she was saying about being embarrassed after finding out that her family had been posting things about her on social media. I didn't find out in the same way, but when I did find pictures of me that my family had posted without telling me, it did bother me a lot. "I didn't have control": A 14-year-old on why she quit social media (     On this same website,, there is an article about incognito mode on internet browsers don't  really keep your browsing history private. This article talks about how incognito mode on internet browsers give users a false sense of security and it also talks about another method which is called "Browser Compartmentalization."  For real web privacy,